Mediation is not always appropriate, so what happens if it is not right for you, or you cannot reach agreement?


Divorce or separation is never an easy process and talking about the practicalities of it can be very difficult and, often times, contentious. It is sometimes the case that couples cannot agree on the best way to move forward, this is not a failure. There are many resources available that give advice and information about all the options available to you in your particular circumstances.

Help and advice on filling in forms and filing applications can be found through Citizens Advice, Advice Now or from a family solicitor.

Court Forms Explained

Useful Help & Resources

Advice Now - Guides

Child Law Advice

Citizens Advice


Cafcass - Parenting

Families need fathers

Match Mothers

Child Maintenance Service

Family Lives


Divorce / Seperation

Advice for Grandparents

Kinship Carers

Family Mediation Council

Family Mediation
Family Mediation is designed to help you resolve your differences without the stress and high cost of the court process. At Aston Family Mediation we give you a safe, confidential space where you can listen to each other and find a way forward with the impartial guidance of an FMCT family mediator.
Emily Dobson BA MA FMCT
Trained Family Mediator
Aston Park Farm,
Aston, SG2 7EF
Tel: 07944384832